The summer has been sort of blur, except for the last couple of weeks, where I was lucky enough to travel around.
I've always enjoyed reflecting on my summers, they've always seem to be eventful and fun. Last summer, I was able to go to a family reunion at Lake Powell, make a trip to see my family, and then go to Europe!
This year has been quite fun as well.
At the end of August (i think it was around the 18th?), I was able to go to Girl's Camp for my stake. I was the Level Leader for the First Years (or 12 year old). Going to camp with these young women was an awesome learning experience for me.
It was a different than what I experienced at camp, but it was perfect for a group of girls from Manhattan. There was of course, the same spiritual emphasis, but it was well...different.
The Camp itself was beautiful and we had a TON of fun. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera, so I have NO pictures. I think I'll need to ask around for some photos. And then hopefully, I will be able to go again next year and then I'll actually bring my camera. (or maybe a disposable one)
But after I came back from camp. I had that evening and the next morning to prepare to go to Panama.
Panama was a special experience. In a small way, I sort of felt like Nate's greenie missionary companion. Almost everyday we were visiting people he had taught and (sometimes) baptized. I could understand little and then speak even less, but the people we visited were very generous both spiritually and temporally. I felt very comforted and loved by their generousity.
While in Panama we stayed with a family Nate baptized, in Cerro Batea. We also visited the sites like the Panama Canal (both the Miraflores locks and the Gatun Locks), Fort San Lorenzo, and Panama Viejo. We traveled to the interior of Panama, which was beautiful, hiked through the jungle, heard a family of Howler monkeys on our hike and swam in the Carribean. We also celebrated our 2 year anniversary a little early at a resort in Gamboa. That was also beautiful!
And I can't forget our trips to the newly dedicated Panama Temple. Now that was a testimony builder! Seeing those saints, prepare, attend, and talk about the temple was truly special.
After coming back from our visit to Panama, I had a week before I began my new dance job. I am pleased to say, that I will be dancing with the Carolyn Dorfman Dance Company. This last week was my first week and I am looking forward to blending in more with the company and learning more repetory.
September 19th (National Talk Like a Pirate Day) was our 2 year Anniversary, so we spent that evening together taking a sunset ferry ride over to IKEA (in Red Hook, Brooklyn) for a romantic dinner at the IKEA cafe. (Remember, we had already celebrated our anniversary in Panama)
So, now I'm just trying to get settled into a new schedule with a new company and working on my goals for the next year. And despite the financial and worldwide distress, I think this is going to be a good year.

The Miraflores locks and Mola's on display in Panama Viejo.

The Resort at Gamboa and hiking with the Howler Monkeys

Happy National Talk Like A Pirate Wedding Anniversary Day!