Sunday, July 29, 2007


I've been so impressed with how well our apartment has been virtually Pest-free. We saw two little cockroaches when we first moved in, but we have been fanatical about not leaving food out and therefore, happily avoided any icky situations. Until now...
That's right! Apparently there's a little hole in the floor by our radiator where the little bugger crept in. When I saw him I actually did the whole "jump up on a chair and squeal, MOUSE! EEW!"
So now, I am paranoid until I can go to the store and get some traps. And I'm a little concerned that I won't catch the mouse before I leave the country for 2 weeks. He could die while I'm gone and then we'd come back to find our apartment reek of rotting dead mouse! I thought I wouldn't be such a wimp about it, honestly. But, ewwwww.....


Leslie said...

My brother Jake squeals about mice just like you did. I bet everyone does, actually. It's just instinct. Good luck!

Cami said...

You can squeal all you want about mice...I understand completly. About two years ago we dicovered an infestation in our garage - they love the dog food you know. We spent about 6 hours cleaning the poop and sticky residue from all over in the garage. We trapped four or five on sticky traps and had to "put them out of their misery" with a shovel before disposing of them. As we would move things around to clean behind them a mouse would occasionally run across the floor. I would scream and freak out. I couldn't go out in the garage for months withhout having palpatations in my heart at the sight of an oil spot. (They looked like mice!) Sorry that was long, but I wanted you to feel justified in your screams about the mouse.