Monday, December 10, 2007

Just Thinking...

of all the memories from Christmases (sp? is that word?) past and my thoughts are turned to my wonderful family (naturally).  So just as a warning I'm going to trail off about things we baked for Christmas, presents we gave/received, service we rendered, etc.

I remember...
All the family dressing up in purple clothing.  Joel and Dad "picked up" a purple frosted Christmas tree from that empty lot by our house and then talking about purple things at dinner time.  I remember doing this whole charade for my oldest brother, Christian.

I remember...
Walks around the Arizona Temple to see the Christmas lights.  And then watching Luke II in the visitors center.

I remember...
My brother Joel, working very long and hard to make me my very first Barbie Doll house. It was blue with a brown roof and brown carpet samples on the floor of the house.
 I remember loving it!

I remember...
My mom letting me "buy" (she paid for it, but my name was on the label) a pink-flowered afghan for my sister as a Christmas present.  

I remember...
The Christmas that Joel wore his baby blue long underwear on Christmas morning.  Sprockets!
"Touch my monkey!"

I remember...
Eating pancakes with peanut butter and syrup and french toast with powdered sugar for Christmas breakfast.

I remember...
My dad dressing up as Santa Clause for the Episcopal church and going with him to their little church party.  I also remember feeling jealous that all those kids were sitting on MY dad's lap.

I remember...
The night that Joel, Cecily and I all got up at the same time to go to the bathroom the eve of Christmas.  I remember us giggling with excitement as we passed each other in the hallway.

I remember...
My mom scolding me for whining about presents and reminding me why we celebrate Christmas.

I remember...
When we were making Divinity for our neighbors, mom accidently pulled the hand-mixer out of the bowl while it was still spinning.  I remember her having white specks on her hair and and glasses.  Her first response--laughing her head off!

I remember...
Doing service projects to people outside our family, but I can't remember what we did in particular as a family...sad, I know.

I remember...
Warmth, thoughtfulness, kindness, gratitude, love, tenderness and the spirit of the season!


Anonymous said...

I love you Anna, and I love your Christmas memories. They made me cry happy tears!

Mom Woolf

Leslie said...

These are great! I ought to do this sometime.

GeoWulf said...

I remember flannel pajamas made by mom!

I remember giving and the feeling it gave me because I wasn't consumed by what I would get!

Anna said...

Does Christian know I made mom cry? It seems like he always thought it was cool when he could make you cry happy tears...

Chase & Tricia said...

Yea!! I found your blog!! The Mesa High girls put on the Christmas dance show last night-guess what? There was a news lady who's putting it in the new era next Christmas season. So, we made sure to let her know you were a part of it. I heard you were performing it in Boston in Lindsay's show???? Is that right?

Anyway, I saw Jill there! I was so excited. She told me you had a blog and so I just had to get on and look. Hope life in NY is fabulous. Chase has ahd a couple of interviews at schools there-so who knows?!?!?!