Monday, December 14, 2009

GingARRRbread House

Wellity, wellity wellity. Howdy-do? As you can tell, I've been a little behind on my blogging. Oye! This has been a rather busy time, as it is for ALL of us.

Well, I just wanted to let you know that my time hasn't been idly spent. In fact, I have proof of my hard work. Some friends of ours had a gingerbread house party. And being the nerd that I am, spent 2 weeks thinking and preparing for said party. However, I went a different direction with my gingerbread "house".

I couldn't find a few things, such as blue cotton candy, but there is always next year.

Notice the eyepatch and peg-leg of my buccaneers

I found some chocolates that looked like seashells

The AFTER picture.

I LOVE playing with my food!!

1 comment:

MomWoolf said...


p.s. You mean you ATE it. . . instead of donating it to the Smithsonian or even the MET? ? ?
What were you thinking? A priceless piece of American Folk Art, LOST! Oh, I am overwhelmed with sorrow and regret! (It really was fantastic and cute.)