Friday, January 22, 2010

Crummy Day! Looking at Clouds of Grey!

On my way to where crazies meet! (ripped from Sesame Street song)

Yeah, today was no bueno. I'd say my biggest successes were:

Waking up, feeding myself, putting on clothes and arriving, on time, to planned destinations.

That isn't to say that I'm not grateful for a bed to wake up in, food to actually nourish my body, warm clothes and decent transportation.
I was just hoping to be more useful as a human being. You know, like thinking and being coordinated. Since that is probably considered to be in my job description. Not that I wasn't trying, but it felt like every 5 seconds I was doing something wrong. "No. Wrong. Go Back. Do it again. Nope. Sorry."
And then it just started to build up, until I thought I was going to burst into tears, yet I swallowed my pride and trudged on. Cheery faced and determined.

5 o'clock descended and I thought, "Well, I did it! I kept my composure and didn't dissolve into a puddle on the floor.

But, then came the walk home...
First, I fell going UP the stairs, while carrying 2 bags and a box.
(oh no, the eyes are getting watery....wait...deep breaths...ok)

Then, a guy exiting apartment building, essentially refused to hold door open for me. What?! Do I look like a Burglar?!!!
(here come the waterworks? no. Suck it up woman)

Then, I went grabbed the mail.
(What?! No Netflix? But, I need it!)

Next, came the elevator. Got on, pushed button to floor. Elevator, then proceeds to skip my floor and end up 2 floors above my desired stop. Which means I get to brave the stairs again.
(Filthin' Foul Filth!)

Finally, I made it to my door. Open door. Walk in. Put things down. And think, "At times like these, you just gotta laugh, right?"

"WAAAAAAAH!" "Boo Hoo!"

Well, I feel a little better. I never actually bawled my eyes out, but I indulged in chocolate, while whining to the blogging world, about things that are really quite trivial.

Then again, this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to. :)


Allison said...

I'm sorry that your day was so crummy. I hope tomorrow will be infinitely better.

Andrea, the little collector said...

Cry away...and eat chocolate. Looking up from here....

Woolfie said...

I think there is a short film in there somewhere. And bemember, "The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun."

Leslie said...

Rats! I hope it's gotten better since then.
The movie I sent you was Sofia saying almost verbatim the words to a birthday card with Steve Carrell saying "Reverse psychology is an awesome tool. Basically, you tell someone the opposite of what you believe, and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm."