Monday, December 26, 2011

Get's me every time.

I often will upload Mormom Messages onto my device and will watch them on my subway ride into work.  I always feel so uplifted after watching messages on gratitude, service, temples, etc.

However, even though the messages are uplifting and thought-provoking,  they are quite often tear-jerking.  So you almost always can find me sitting on the A train going to 59th street blubbering over a 3 minute message.   And each time I see a new one, I upload it to my device, wondering if this one's going to make me blubber.  

Every. Time.

This one is no different.  Maybe you'll do better then me.  Good luck! :)

(The voice over reading reminds me of something out of Dr. Seuss. I  like it.) 

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Wise Men

"There is much we can learn from the Wise Men. Like them, we should study the scriptures and know the signs to watch for as we all prepare the earth for the Savior’s Second Coming. Then, as we search and ponder the scriptures, we will more fully desire to seek the Lord every day of our lives and, as a gift to Him, give up our selfishness, pride, and rebelliousness. When personal revelation comes to alter the plans we have made, we can obey, having faith and trust that God knows what is best for us. And ultimately, through lives of true discipleship, we must fall down and worship the Savior in humility and love.
This discipleship doesn’t necessarily require us to leave our sheep in the fields or to cross deserts. Our journey to Him isn’t physical; it is spiritual and behavioral. It involves accepting and embracing the fact that His Atonement is infinite and covers every aspect of our lives—our sin, weakness, pain, sickness, and infirmity (see Alma 7:11–13). It means that we can let go of those things that hold us down in the gloomy fog of our own inversion and live instead in the warmth and love of the Light of the World. As President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, has taught: “The words ‘come unto Christ’ are an invitation. It is the most important invitation you could ever offer to another person. It is the most important invitation anyone could accept." "

(Come, Let Us Adore Him. Elder Patrick Kearon, Ensign Dec 2011)

image borrowed from