Monday, January 09, 2006

I mean really....

Mom sent this email to me about her sketchy granddaughter's 4 year old birthday party....

"Well, I did go to Costco and to Saylem's birthdayparty at Chucky Cheese's where I just stood there andheld Trey who was feeling pretty bad. He was kind of feverish and had a really bad cough. Cecily ordered a Barbie birthday cake for Saylem. They bake the cake in a bowl and then turn it upside down and stick Barbie's feet and legs in it and it becomes her skirt. Then they put a frosting dress on the Barbie. So there were three teenage Chucky Cheese employees that were helping out with the birthday party. They were really nice,pleasant, clean-looking teens and they were really good with the kids. When it was time to cut and serve the cake, Cecily pulled the Barbie out of the cake. She just had plastic wrap around the legs and of course, it was transparent. Then Cecily said to Say.. ."Want to lick the frosting off the doll?" When she did, all the other kids wanted to lick the doll too. Cecily decided that was a bad idea with colds and flu running rampant so she just wiped the frosting off ofthe doll and laid it on the table while one of the teenage boys cut the cake and served it. Afterward, they boys were cleaning up and I was just standing around holding Trey while all the kids were off spending their tokens and playing games. When they got to the birthday cake, one of the boys said,"I don't know about this birthday party. . . . I mean really, a naked girl coming out of a cake?!?!?? And the other guy said, "Yeah, and then they all wanted to lick her. That's TOTALLY gross!" (They rolled their eyes dramatically like - "What's the world coming to!") I just thought it was so hilarious! It was all socompletely true and yet at the same time, so totally innocent. That's what made it so funny! Anyway - just wanted to send you something to smile or laugh about. Love, Mom"

Kids these days!

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