Saturday, October 06, 2007

Henry VIII and NYC Thugs

Last Sunday I heard there was a Medival Fair up in my neighborhood in Fort Tryon Park . Up in the park there's a museum dedicated to Medival art and architecture (the building looks like a small scale castle). This museum is called the Cloisters.

I figured that it would be a cute 3-4 block fair, to help promote the Cloisters Museum. Boy was I wrong. Everyone was there! Especially the freaky high schoolers who are REALLY REALLY into the whole Medival thing. It was so much fun! They had a tent where they taught you how to make a fresco, an actual blacksmith making swords, a big tournament area for jousting, sword fighting, musical performances...they had everything! Did I mention all the weirdos that came dressed up? Boy they were weird.
I, unfortunately, had to go by myself because Nate was out in Queens doing a gig. I also had to leave earlier than expected because I recieved an alarming call from Nate telling me he was mugged at gunpoint on his way to his gig! Thank goodness he's safe. They ran off with his wallet and phone (not his trumpets...whew), fortunately leaving him unharmed.

Such exciting life and times in NYC!


Leslie said...

I'm glad Nate is okay, and I hadn't even thought of his trumpets not getting stolen. Whew!!

Stacy said...

NYC sure is an exciting place! I'm glad that Nate is okay! How Scary!
PS So I am now in your Brother and sister-in-laws Ward pretty cool eh? Did I mention I don't like your brother very much right now? He called and now Erik and I have to speak in church in 2 weeks! Bummmer!
Stay Safe!