Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ode to my husband


1. Who is your man? Nathan Thomas Botts

2. How long have you been together? One year and 24 days

3. How long did you date? Aaaahh. It’s sort of complicated, because I was gave him a bit of a hard time, for about 4 months and then dated OFFICIALLY for One year. But I’m worth it, right Nate? Right!?!

4. How old is your man? He is 29

5. Who eats more? I think we eat about the same.

6. Who said I love you first? He did – May ‘06

7. Who is taller? Nate 5’ 9’’

8. Who sings better? Nate. He has the voice and soulfulness of Chet Baker.

9. Who is smarter? Hmmm ..... I think we are smart at different things. Or at least I think so.

10. Who's temper is worse? Nate is a very impassioned human being.

11. Who does the laundry? We try to do it together, but if you tallied all the visits to the laundromat, I’d win.

12. Who does the dishes? Again, we try to split it up, but lately, I’ve been doing it more (only because I don’t ask. But if I asked…..)

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. But on vacation we switch it up.

14. Who pays the bills? Both, we still have our own bills we need to pay, mainly the Student Loans.

15. Who has bigger feet? Nathan. Can you imagine if I did???

16. Who has longer hair? I do. I want to keep it that way! For a while he had shoulder length hair.

17. Who is better at the computer? Nathan

18. Who mows the lawn? Lawn?

19. Who cooks dinner? Nate is an EXCELLENT cook/chef. I’m still learning

20. Who drives when you are together? The subway conductor.

21. Who pays when you go out? Nate. Occasionally I cover the tip.

22. Who is most stubborn? Oh MAN! No contest! Nathan!

23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Nathan’s pretty quick. I sit and mull over it a little longer.

24. Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine. Although I’ve spent a lot of time on my own with his family. I get along with them really well!

25. Who kissed who first? Nathan. He was so cute. And so brave! I really gave him a hard time…

26. Who asked out who? Nathan….He wins the PRIZE for bravery!

27. Who proposed? He did. sigh….good memories

28. Who is more sensitive? I’m definitely sensitive. But Nathan has some tender moments that makes me love him more and more.

29. Who has more friends? Me. I'm pretty social.

30. Who has more siblings? Me: 5 Nathan: 3

31. Who wears the pants in the family? He has one leg of the pants and I have the other!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to meet him someday! We had such a fun time with you. Come again anytime.