Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tag - aroni

1) What I was doing 10 years ago: I was 14 years old, just coming back from being home-schooled and trying to fit into public school again. Met my best friends Andra and Ryan in Drama class and Jacob in English class. Started noticing a particular boy, actually enjoyed my math class (Ms. Hickey), and was definitely feeling self-conscious about my body. Ahh…the awkward adolescent years!

2) 5 Things on my To Do list today:
1)Wake up
2)Read Scriptures
4)Go to work
5)Hang out with my best friend!

(keeping it simple today)

3) I enjoy: Socializing with my friends, holding/playing with cute kids, talking about the gospel, dancing, hiking, being active, being among nature, hanging out with my hubby, traveling, shopping, eating, eating chocolate, dressing up, playing board games, etc, etc, etc.

4) If I were suddenly made a billionaire: Pay off all student loans/debts, get health insurance, a day at the Spa, travel to Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. Give some away, invest it…And by then I’d have spent all but a million dollars—so then naturally, I’d buy a green dress (but not a real green dress, that’s cruel)

5) 6 Jobs I have had: Babysitter, food service worker in my high school, Dance teacher, Resident Assistant, Professional dancer, GSR for a Soho spa.

6) 5 Things people don't know about me:
1) I want to become a certified Yoga instructor
2) I want to create a business with my mom designing/making clothes
3) I want to try cutting my hair short, but am too chicken to go through with it.
4) I hate making mistakes.
5) I would love to try out some more acting, even be in an indie movie!

Actually, most people will know ALL those things about me. I’m not one to keep things to myself


GeoWulf said...

You can be in my indie movie anna.. I just need to find a writer to write me a movie... LOL. And with your million dollars... just think of the possibilities

Anonymous said...

1) Wow! It's kinda crazy to think it's been 10 years. Seems like a long time, but it also feels like we've been friends FOREVER! :D P.S. I know who that particular boy was ;)

3) Mmm...chocolate.

4) HAHAHA! No! Not a real green dress, that IS cruel. But if you weren't wearing the dress, would you be a bare, naked lady??? ;)

5) I almost completely forgot about working in the cafeteria at school!

6) I miss acting too!

I miss YOU!!! <3 <3 <3
