Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bad Week in the News

Since I've had the week off from work, I've taken advantage of reading the paper a little more thoroughly and brush up on the happenings the past week.

What I found was both shocking and absurd. Neither did it encourage or hearten my faith in mankind. (well not ALL of mankind, I'm not a misanthrope. But, definitely ashamed of some people)

Most of you, probably are more well read in the news than I, so this might be old news to you...

nevertheless, I can't help but comment on what I found.

I'll just post the link and you can read the article yourself.

Let's start with the shocking.

The NY Times Headline read:

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death

Unbelievable, I know. But it happened. It is indeed a dark day, when human beings refuse to have any sympathy or compassion for another human being. It gives Black Friday a sad new meaning.

This next one is so ridiculous, it's almost funny.

Mothers Cut Personal Shopping to Buy Children's Gifts

Okay, well the Headline isn't as ridiculous, as is the article itself.

You're better off reading only the first 6-7 paragraphs. It turns into a rather unimportant analysis on retail and women consumers.

I'll quote some of the article, to give you an idea...

"Come Christmas, McKenna Hunt, a gregarious little girl from Safety Harbor, Fla., will receive the play kitchen and the Elmo doll she wants. But her mother, Kristen Hunt, will go without the designer jeans she covets this season."

Ms Hunt is quoted saying:

“I want her to be able to look back,” Ms. Hunt declared, “and say, ‘Even though they were tough times, my mom was still able to give me stuff.’ ”

-NYTimes, November 25, 2008. By Stephanie Rosenbloom



You know what I remember from my childhood Christmases?
Well I won't lie...I do remember some awesome dress ups my sister gave/made me, and a rockin' barbie doll house my brother crafted himself.

But some of my BEST memories, are of spending time with my family. Whether it's making Divinity (a yummy type of candy...I will totally share the recipe if you want), doing the live Nativity with all the grandkids, or dressing up in purple and buying a purple tree, all for the purpose of freaking out my older brother.

I also distinctly remember my mom lecturing me, when I stupidly whined about the number of Christmas presents I received. I will NEVER forget that.

I hate to be a Donny Downer. I just found this week's news especially disheartening.

But all in all, I have hope for the holiday season that there will be those who will practice good will towards men. And that the message of hope and peace, of which Christmas is based, will continually be shared.


Leslie said...

So well said, sweet sister. Maybe your mom can lecture my girls for me. Some of them need it more than others.

Cecily said...

I still am in shock that something like a man being trampled to death could happen. I think that is why I don't read the paper or watch the news. The other day Saylem said, "one of my friends watches the news and she said.." It struck me as funny.
Thank goodness I don't need to participate in that kind of craziness. I can just choose to stay home! (and do nothing all day in a thanksgiving induced coma)

Tricia said...

Those are shocking articles. It is so sad. You're right, let's bring the focus back on family and the Savior.

Andrea, the little collector said...

Well, I have to say, my cutting back on designer jeans is so I can buy more which case I will no longer fit my designer jeans and will then have to buy mumus. Will that jump start the economy?

Isn't that Wal-mart death HORRIBLE??? Agree there are some misplaced priorities!

Thank you for sharing your holiday memories! I have been thinking more and more about how I want Christmas to feel, which can be influenced by how gift-giving is a part of the big picture, but mostly by how you spend time with the ones you love.

The Colbys... written by Erin said...

I love that "times are hard" and yet she still even considers designer jeans in her grasp... Seems like something I would say... It's a great reminder how silly we can sound when we're not grateful and giving! Lots of us are very blessed this holiday season, regardless of how much or little we get this year!

Tamara said...

This was a great post...thanks!! The world is a different place.