Sunday, November 09, 2008


I'm baaack. Bet you were wondering where I went. Well, it's been kind of busy lately. Hopefully, I can give you a good synopsis of the last two weeks and highlight all the important/good moments. I'm terrible at summarizing. And I'm even WORSE at telling jokes. There's maybe 3 jokes total that I can execute well. Never ask me to repeat the joke about How to Catch a Polar Bear. You can ask my friend Shelley and she'll know what I'm talking about. In fact, she'll probably burst into laughter! Not because of the joke, but because of my awkward re-telling of the joke. It was atrocious.

See? Not so good at a synopsises (synopsis'? synops..nevermind)

Let's see. Last week I was away at Mahtha's Vineyard, Dahling!
The company I'm now dancing with took a retreat to Mass. to reh and work on a new piece. We were there during the off season of course, so we missed out on some cute shops. One in particular called Trader Jack's. They have pirate-y tshirts there. So you can imagine how sad I was when I discovered they were closed. tear...
Nonetheless, it was BEAUTIFUL. It was the idyllic little seaside New England town. Equiped with cute houses and adorable churches and little rock walls. We also had fun at our Halloween Party. Which the entire company takes very seriously. There were some really great costumes! I was Norma Desmond. From Sunset Boulevard. If you don't know who I'm talking about. GO SEE THE MOVIE. It's pretty great.

Trader Jack's. The best place for Pirate Booty.

A stone wall in Chilmark (near where we were staying)
and a lighthouse in Gay Head.

A boxer, the Scream and Norma.

What's next on the agenda:
Ah yes! For those of you who are familiar with my jaw cyst and my tube, I recently had to have my tube re-inserted. I don't really enjoy having that feeling that my lower left gums have been hacked and then sewn up and then have to take antibiotics, yet again. Double ick!
But, I'm not being fair. I really have great oral surgeons and they don't do a hack job. I really am impressed with them. I just got caught up in the spirit of complaining.

Oh but wait, I'm not done complaining...
Two days after my surgery, I woke up with 3 really large welts on my arm, leg and shoulder! We later found the culprit clinging on to the side of our box spring, probably too intoxicated from binging on my tasty blood! We still have Jerk-Face in a jar, sitting on our desk. (That's his name, Jerk-Face.) Every now and then I'll pick up the jar and shake my fist and curse him for his maliciousness. dumb bug. make me swell up and itch.
So in order to avoid the possibility of any other Jerk-Faces crawling out of our mattress and biting me, we got rid of our mattress and box spring and bagged up most of our clothing and sheets and pillows to wash or throw in the dryer (the little buggers don't take extreme heat or cold very well...mwahaha! Die! Die little blood suckers!) So for the time being we are sleeping on our Futon and using rolled up towels as pillows.

I used the quarter to give one an idea of how big my shoulder and leg swelled up.
I didn't get a good pic of my arm. But you can imagine it was big.

Today was a better day. I attended Stake Conference and was uplifted by all the wonderful topics and testimonies that were shared.

I realized after reading through my blog, that I complained way too much. I really have a lot to be grateful for. Good doctors, modern medicine, a husband who loves me and lives the gospel well, a family who loves me, cute nieces who love me, beautiful fall colors, dancing opportunities, the Prophet, and for YOU! Gosh you're swell.

I just felt like I had to redeem myself for all my whining.

It's quite the reading assignment!
Good luck.


Tricia said...

Hi Anna! I'm so excited for you and your dancing opportunities....also your great attitude. You're right...there is a lot to be grateful for. Thanks for your positive attitude!

Valerie said...

Ketchup....Catsup....Ketchup...Catsup.... Are you here to help me with my Katchsup problem?

So...who exactly is Jerk-Face? A spider?

Leslie said...

I think Sofia has your affinity for bug-bite swelling. Your poor body! I'm glad you gave the little bugger a good name. Jerk-Face is entirely appropriate. :)
Loved the synopsisess's. And I love your re-telling of the polar bear joke. It's a classic. At least you don't tell dirty jokes you don't understand just because you remember them. It's still one of the only jokes I remember, and it's AWFUL.
Glad you had fun at/in Martha's Vineyard. I'm happy you're with a company you like!
Love you!