Friday, November 14, 2008

The BIG 8 Tag

8 Favorite TV shows

1. The Simpsons

2. The Office

3. Looney Tunes

4. Animaniacs


6. National Geographic

7. Scientific American Frontiers

8. 30 Rock

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Woke up at 5:30am

2. Traveled in a car to New Jersey

3. Performed for a bunch of cute 5th graders

4. Traveled back from Jersey

5. Ate dumplings (mmm…Ling Ling)

6. Took a nap

7. Re-Taped my poor foot (I've had a split for 2 months! grrr...)

8. Ate crappy junk food (Great way to finish off my day!)

8 Things to look forward to

1. Seeing my family for the holidays

2. Going to Flushing, Queens for T-Day

3. Being better about serving my neighbor

4. Hanging out with all my family/ancestors/progeny in heaven

5. Getting a new bed frame and mattress (we've had to sleep on our futon in our living room without pillows. Long story…it has to do with "jerk-face" from previous entry)

6. Getting my apartment beautifully organized and clean

7. Serving a mission

8. Becoming a better communicator, a better friend, a better---

let's just say become better.

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Joe's of Shanghai (yummy dumplings)

2. Momo Sushi (yummy sushi and tofu)

3. Mi Amigos (I miss good Mexican food…doesn't exist out here)

4. Park View Diner (good food at a good price)

5. That place in Naples that we found down some alley somewhere (oh I'm drooling, just thinking about it)

6. Francesco's Pizzeria

7. Ned's Krazy Subs (good memories.good subs. Actually I have a lot of good memories with food. Grandma's pumpkin pie, Mom's stir fry, Dad and I going on daddy daughter date's to Subway, but I guess that's not the category we are in at the moment)

8. Mesa Frozen Yogurt (I mean, seriously. Is there anything better? No.)

8 Things on my Wish List

1. New Boots

2. I agree with Cami---a permanently clean house would be desirable!

3. Better eating habits

4. A 4-pack (a 6-pack on a girl can be too much...vain? Yes)

5. To have someone else do all my laundry

6. To have unlimited amounts of money to fly anywhere I want.

7. Regularly circulating Food Storage

8. To know 3 languages.

8 People I tag (don't feel obligated - just if you feel like it!)

1. Leslie

2. Andrea M

3. Cecily (you're first one! no pressure. There'll be plenty more)

4. Allison

5. Stacy

6. Valerie

7. Mom

8. Alicia


Allison said...


Leslie said...

I stink at tags. One day I might get to it though!
PS I'm glad you shared the family recipe for nuker brownies so everyone can have it!