Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Re-entry

Well, it's that time again. That's right...time for The RE-ENTRY into the real world, the everyday life.  Here's to eating healthy again!  To waking up early, going to the gym, to working and paying bills.

I'm not complaining, really...well, maybe a little.  But I do miss having routine and regimen. Even though, I can hardly stick to it through out the year.

But until I can master my weaknesses, I have here a picture posted of how I generally feel after my lazy, over-eating 2 weeks.

Happy New Year!!!


Leslie said...

I feel the same way!

Woolfie said...

But the cat has such a cute face!

Leah Z said...

You only splurged for two weeks? I've been on a steady sprint since my coworkers started bringing in their kids reject Halloween candy Nov. 1.

I just read a post about a girl who set a goal to make 2008 the year of 100 runs. I thought it was a cool idea: sounds magnificent, but really only requires a commitment about twice a week.

Valerie said...

Reality can be so harsh sometimes.

Cecily said...

i think you meant regimen instead of regime. But, I totally agree. I am so glad to be back on schedule and eating more sensibly. of course it has only been three days, but we're heading in the right direction, right?