Saturday, October 01, 2011

I did it!

I am updating my blog (don't hold your breath)!!!
Last time I did so, was 9 months ago.'s like I have little blog babies. I go into an incubation period, until I'm ready to pop out a really great story ("great story" is relative. Maybe if you were living in cave with nothing but a tomato can's list of ingredients for reading material).

This experience came post-General Conference, when some sisters from ward got together for a little girl's night in, while the men were at Priesthood Session. So glad we did it.
We visited a couple hours and ate yummy treats. Topics varied from babies to odd subway stories, from human psychology to boob jobs. And as always, some gospel principle would emerge and we would discuss the topics from conference and basically share our own experiences (and inevitably, testimonies).

In talking with two sisters, I realized what a varied group we were, in a group of maybe, 6 women. There were some commonalities between us, but our experiences in life were very individual. I came to realize what Sister Beck means when she refers to Relief Society as having diverse cultures, trials, and backgrounds and yet unified in faith.

She said:
"I have visited many of you this past year, and my heart has been touched as I have looked into your eyes, hugged you, laughed with you, cried with you, and listened to your grief, joy, and triumph. Each of you is precious beyond description and known by our Heavenly Father. As daughters of God, you are preparing for eternal designations, and each of you has a female identity, nature, and responsibility. The success of families, communities, this Church, and the precious plan of salvation is dependent on your faithfulness. Oh, dear sisters, how we love and pray for you!"

This also made me stop and examine, the pre-conceived notions I have of my fellow sisters. And how I should never assume or judge, but rather show love and understanding. Acting with real Charity.

There are so many incredible women in this world. Women who experience hardships and sorrows and yet, try to do their very best each day. They are leaders in their homes, at work, and in their communities. They strive to live faithfully and do what the Lord would have them do. How inspiring! I am so blessed to be part of the Relief Society. I'm so blessed to know you!

Thank you for your example. You are a light in my life.



p.s. more to come. I'm really going to try to keep this up. I wrote down some notes for next time: finding balance, surgery, journaling, roller coasters, purple monkey dishwasher...ah-ha! Just wanted to be sure you were paying attention.


MomWoolf said...

Oh yeah! Well I'll show you you.

Rob and Andra Mahoney said...

YYYEEEAAAHHH!!! I am sooo excited you updated your blog! I love love LOVE listening/reading the inner-workings of Anna. And this was such a great topic to blog about! I needed to hear it! THANK YOU!

I've been feeling pretty crappy lately. No work. No babies to take care of. I've also felt I've gone downhill in the wife/homemaker department. ...I've kinda had a couple "break downs" lately, lol. But I keep telling myself, I need to focus myself on Christ, and things will be a LOT better. This blog just reaffirms that!


I <3 you! And... you better blog about purple monkey dishwashers! You mentioned it and now I'm interested! lol

You're awesome!!! :D