Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My Dear Blogging Friends,
This may seem strange, but I'm very desperate and I know I can turn to you for support.

You see, I have an addiction.

I was in Arizona when I began to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" and well, I am anxious to see who will dance the best jive. Who will perform with the greatest of ease. Who will be kicked off?! But I have no TV! No way to pacify this craving!! They are already down to the top 8 dancers and I have to see who wins!!! I mean, I suppose I could wait until it's all over, but I think I might EXPLODE!!!


If you too, suffer from this addiction, please call me. We can do this together, discussing the abstract beauty of Mia Michael's, Ave Maria. Or who makes the best pas de deaux.

Please don't think less of me. I usually have more self control.



Valerie said...

I can't watch it either. My mother-in-law took the satellite hook-up with her to the cabin in Manitoba for the rest of the summer. It's been rough, but I'm trying to cope. (And is it just me, or is it the easiest thing in the world to spot Tabitha's and Napoleon's choreography, even when it's only seconds into the piece? Cake.)
Speaking of no TV, I'm sad that Shark Week on the Discovery Channel starts next week. Bahhh!

Anonymous said...

I was so totally bummed that Will went home last night. I loved Will! He really was the best dancer, but he was such a wonderful person too. He was a gentleman,and kind and humble. I need to see more of him. What is his last name? I need to join his fan club.
