It's a MongoosePro, Rockadile! It came with nice little reflectors and slightly used helmet.
AND IT'S RED! It's the neatest thing. My sweet husband searched all over Craig's List and totally scored with this bike! It was a great deal.
I keep trying to find time when I can go take it for a ride. I still get a little 'Bike Bum' when I'm out riding around too long, but it's worth it in order to see NYC in a different way.
Our first bike ride started in our neighborhood (Dyckman-200th St), we then biked all the way down to Battery Park City. Basically the whole length of the island. The path we took went along the Hudson. It was such a gorgeous ride being on the water. It was fun discovering some new sites.
These sites are actually pretty close to where we live! I want to do a picnic/photo shoot in the little column walk way thing.
I have more pictures, but my computer is taking years to upload anything!
Don't worry, I'm planning many more bike rides and I'll post more pics!
How fun! Love the columned walkway. We just got back from camping at Sunset Crater near Flagstaff and my sister's fiance brought his bike along. His plan was to ride from Sunset Crater to the Wupatki ruins and back (30 plus miles) but one of his wheels broke about halfway and he had to hitch a ride back to camp. He was so disappointed! Anyway, it just made us think that we need to get our bikes out and go on some adventures. Well, maybe when it cools off a bit...
jealous! i had a bike last year in the city and it got stolen! it was a cute little blue cruiser bike with a basket. i want a new one!!! biking in the city is so fun!
and how are you??
hope you are well!
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