Saturday, July 05, 2008

Quickie Post

About a month ago my best friends came out from Atlanta for a visit:

We went to the manicured gardens in Central Park.
Julia and I went to 3 VERY different auditions.
We made and ate several delicious dinners.
Watched So You Think You Can Dance.
Went shopping.
Took Joe Lanteri's awesome lyrical class.
Did a cool treasure hunt.
Baked delicious whole-wheat chocolate chip cookies.

I love these guys and miss them terribly.
I'm just glad that email and cell phones
help keep us in contact. If only there was transporter
from here to Atlanta.  Or if we could just Apparate.
Since gas prices and airlines are cutting us any slack.

1 comment:

GeoWulf said...

UGHH what is that smell... Did you just Apparate? 'cause I know it was the airlines that just cut the gas (prices).