Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's raining, it's pouring...and I am really Boring!

It's been raining for about 3-4 days and I think it's starting to get to me. I mean, I'm really a sunshine girl. Hello...Arizona=Sun.
I haven't really been all that productive and I'm willing to blame it all on the dark clouds.
Why should I take responsibility? Huh? Who wants that??

Although, right now the rain isn't so annoying as it was when I was trying to run errands and do laundry today, because I'm at home safe and dry.

Actually, right now while I'm waiting for my dinner to be done, I'm jamming out to some Pink Martini and Gotan Project on You should check it out.
This kind of music makes me feel like I'm in a James Bond movie:

"Anna walks stealthily to her pot of boiling macaroni,
grabs a shiny silver spoon and sexily scoops out an elbowed
piece of pasta. The pasta cools slightly on the spoon. She puts
the morsel in her mouth and then....she knows....the pasta, is ready."

Not going to lie, I'm a little embarrassed i just wrote that. But I'm keeping it.
Until I go back and edit it out....

So yeah.

LOOK! It's raining!


Cecily said...

Anna don't you dare edit that out! I love reading your blog 'cause it is so you. I am able to get a dose of anna at random times- it is a little addictive. I love you

Alicia said...

Woohoo! I got to read your spy story before you (maybe) edit it out! (It's awesome, by the way.) I'm with ya--rain's great for a couple days, but then it gets a little depressing. And annoying when you're out in it.

Sorry, I can't think of anything else to say. Apparently I'm boring too. Love ya!

Leslie said...

Hilarious! It sounds just like you and I can totally see you doing it. :)
Sorry about the depressing rain. We got great weather here...come visit!

Valerie said...

I can totally relate to what you say about the weather. I've always said I'm solar-powered, and so I find it very easy to blame how I'm feeling (whether it be emotionally, physically, or mentally) on the weather. Because it's true! Anyone who says it's a cop-out can just...cop-out....yeah.