Friday, August 28, 2009

Hubby appreciation

I feel like I should also thank my husband for his love and support in this ordeal.

The Sweetheart was there waiting with me while I sat in the pre-op area almost in tears, (I was incredibly nervous--more than I needed to be) he held my hand and kept my mind on other things.
And after surgery, he came in and gave me hugs and kisses and filled my prescriptions. He carefully walked me out of recovery room and hailed a taxi home.

Once home, he made me applesauce, a cold compress and lots of water. He also made our bedroom into a little theater, so I could snuggle next to him and watch (and fall asleep to) movies.

When I was coherent, I really enjoyed all that time with him. I love that guy so much.


Alicia said...

Aren't great husbands the best? I'm glad we both got one. And congrats on having the cyst gone--I'm sure that's a huge relief.

I love you, Anna! Have a great day!

Chase & Tricia said...

Thnk goodness for great hubbys!

MomWoolf said...

I felt bad that I couldn't be there for your surgery, but Cecily helped me realize that it was probably what God intended for you. That Nate being solely responsible for you for the first few days would help you both to appreciate each other more. Gee! I guess God knows what He is doing!
P.S. I love you.