Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Post-op and pretty

Last Monday, was my final surgery after a year and half with the cyst.
I almost don't believe that it's gone. But, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

Mom came into town for that week, for moral support. She's a super lady. She kept me company while I was healing. We'd play games, laugh at Bill Cosby sketches, and when I had more energy we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art--twice.
It's always so nice to have her in our home. She is so pleasant and easy-going. And one of my best friends.

Here's a pic of my mom and hubby chilling out, literally. Our bedroom is the coolest room in the apartment (notice the A/C unit in the background. It was set at like 69 degrees!)
So we like to hang out here often.

Mom also kept herself busy by making me a new skirt! She is so talented!
I explained to her what I wanted and we picked out the material and she came up with the design all her own. I love it!!

She also altered a shirt, which she made in the seventies. It's has the most beautiful embroidery. I've always loved this shirt, but it never fit right.
So with her amazing talent she came up with this!

I think this was the most productive surgery and recovery I've ever had!

If you're lucky she might make you something...


Andrea, the little collector said...

Yes, yes she is a talented lady! Lucky to have her as a mom, and she's lucky to have talented you as a daughter. :)

Leslie said...

Nice work, momma! I need to channel some of that sewing creativity. My endeavors are so wimpy comparatively!

(word verification: bumble)

MomWoolf said...

Thank you sweetie. I enjoyed being there and am grateful to Nate for bringing me out.
Wouldn't you know the weather would cool off as soon as I left - and when I got back to Arizona we started having record breaking heat for two weeks? Now the whole family blames me for the heat. It seems to follow me wherever I go.