Sunday, February 24, 2008

"You watch your phrase-ology!"

I've always been fascinated by some of the phrases I've heard in my young to adult life. Such phrases have come from my mom, grandma, some East-Coasters, and of course I did some of my own research on the internet.
I can appreciate how idioms offer such distinct and creative imagery, like giving instruction on how to suck chicken eggs, or not touching something with a ten foot pole. A ten foot pole? Why bother?

Share, if you'd like, some of your own cooky phrases. Please, enlighten me, as well as the blogging community.

"More than you can shake a stick at"
a very large number of something.
*I find this imagery mom does a good impression
of this.

"Don't try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs"
Don't offer advice to someone who has more experience than oneself.
*did your Grandma ever suck eggs?

"Put your nose out of joint"
Hurt your feelings or upset your plans
*that would hurt

"Dead cat bounce"
A small and temporary recovery in a financial market following a large fall.
*cat lovers WOULD NOT like this one.

"As easy as pie"
very easy.
*now this doesn't make ANY sense. Have you ever made pie?
It's NOT easy! I guess it's the irony that makes this idiom so
useful. Or that one would be so accomplished and efficient at everything else
that making pie would be a piece of I mean, simple. Now if we were talking easy as EATING a pie, that would definitely apply to me!

Monday, February 18, 2008

I don't know if I am strong enough to remain optimistic through all of this anymore. Fear is so potent sometimes that I can't grasp hope. I sound so fatalistic don't I? I guess I can't help but be a little dramatic, it's in my nature to be bit of a performer.
But it honestly has been a little bit like a rollercoaster...
I know I have plenty to be grateful for and that there are many who are praying for my benefit, and I thank you. I have felt your prayers and they have sustained me. So I guess, instead of falling into the depths of despair, I should give thanks for my friends, family, and to my Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tag - aroni

1) What I was doing 10 years ago: I was 14 years old, just coming back from being home-schooled and trying to fit into public school again. Met my best friends Andra and Ryan in Drama class and Jacob in English class. Started noticing a particular boy, actually enjoyed my math class (Ms. Hickey), and was definitely feeling self-conscious about my body. Ahh…the awkward adolescent years!

2) 5 Things on my To Do list today:
1)Wake up
2)Read Scriptures
4)Go to work
5)Hang out with my best friend!

(keeping it simple today)

3) I enjoy: Socializing with my friends, holding/playing with cute kids, talking about the gospel, dancing, hiking, being active, being among nature, hanging out with my hubby, traveling, shopping, eating, eating chocolate, dressing up, playing board games, etc, etc, etc.

4) If I were suddenly made a billionaire: Pay off all student loans/debts, get health insurance, a day at the Spa, travel to Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. Give some away, invest it…And by then I’d have spent all but a million dollars—so then naturally, I’d buy a green dress (but not a real green dress, that’s cruel)

5) 6 Jobs I have had: Babysitter, food service worker in my high school, Dance teacher, Resident Assistant, Professional dancer, GSR for a Soho spa.

6) 5 Things people don't know about me:
1) I want to become a certified Yoga instructor
2) I want to create a business with my mom designing/making clothes
3) I want to try cutting my hair short, but am too chicken to go through with it.
4) I hate making mistakes.
5) I would love to try out some more acting, even be in an indie movie!

Actually, most people will know ALL those things about me. I’m not one to keep things to myself

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Baby Hungry?

....She started it!.....


Despite my the blah day I had on Friday, the rest of the weekend turned out to be pretty good.
In fact, my 'blah' Friday got better! I ended up going to a wedding reception for our next door neighbor and fellow ward member. Now this in not some gringo, "traditional" wait-in-receiving-line-for-hours sort of reception. This was a 4 hour event. There was dancing and TONS of food, and even though I don't know hardly ANY spanish I had a great time with other ward members and cute little kids. I actually wasn't able to stay the entire time, but it was fun while it lasted.

Then on Saturday I had my pizza party with my Primary class. Which was also a lot of fun.
I hadn't planned on everyone coming, but ALL of my kids came!--plus about 6 other people (I also invited parents to stay). I had a total of 15 people in my 550sq ft apartment at one point. It was madness! But, honestly, even though I was exhausted in the end and had a new soda stain on my sofa, I still had fun! The chaos, actually, made me feel at home. Funny.

Now when Sunday arrived, I was tired and still feeling icky from my cold. However, the day did not disappoint. Testimony meeting was glorious and my Primary kids did a great job in our presentation in Sharing time. I got a lot of my ideas from Leslie (my SIL) and from the website Afterwards, during our regular class time, we memorized and familiarized ourselves with the Articles of Faith.

I guess the moral of the story is: Shut up and do your work. Whining doesn't help.

Although, things DID get better...

But I don't think I can say that my whining got me there. Probably, prayers.
Lots and Lots of prayers.

This is the Primary singing for our Ward Christmas Party.

Friday, February 01, 2008


I was not expecting today to be such a 'blah' day. I thought I'd be energetic, productive and anxious to get things done! It's almost 2pm now, do you want to know what I've been up to? Whether you do/do NOT, too bad! I'm going to tell you anyway...

I woke up late (because I was up late, coughing up a lung!) then sat in bed worrying about how I'm going to organize the drop off and pick up of all my Primary kids on Saturday for a pizza party which I'm hosting at my apartment (sometimes I miss suburbia). Then I made breakfast for me and my husband-then baked a cake and cupcakes for said party. Messed up the frosting, so that it was all runny, used it anyway. Sat and tried to prepare for the Sharing Time lesson for Sunday, got frustrated. And why? I don't know. Can't seem to stay focused. Sat down and drank some lavender tea and popped another antibiotic for my sinus infection. Got online to read some more Primary ideas, 10 minutes later I was looking at food dehydrators. And now it's rainy and overcast. Ah poo.
Well, hopefully now that I've griped to the blogging world I will now get off my large butt, suck it up and get to work!

Whine whine whine. I think I whine more as an adult than I did as a kid.

Happy Friday!